
Fish hooks characters
Fish hooks characters

fish hooks characters

  • Credits Gag: The Snake and Mouse's commentary.
  • Jones plays Bea's father, and Maxwell Atoms plays Razor and Bo Gregory.
  • Creator Cameo: Bud, the photorealistic pet shop owner, is modeled after storyboard artist Sherm Cohen.
  • Couch Gag: Each episode opens with an exterior shot of the pet shop with a sign that says "Bud's Pets And ".
  • fish hooks characters

    Continuity Nod: In "Fail Fish", Kevin brings up two events that happened in "Doggonit!" and "Fish Out of Water".Christmas Episode: Word of God confirmed that there will be one this year.After getting his pay from a job, he realizes that his job alone won't get him the money he needs sooner when Milo's boss points out said motorcycle. Chekhov's Gun: In "Dollars and Fish", Milo gets a loan from Randy Pincherson and spends it on a diamond-encrusted motorcycle.Cats Are Mean: The orange cat in the pet shop.The Cast Showoff: Fish School Musical has Chelsea Kane show off her singing voice.Catch Phrase: Details, details, doodley doo!.Casanova Wannabe: Randy Pincherson, though he only targets Bea.Berserk Button: If you happen to be a Jerkass, don't even touch Bea.Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Milo in "Big Fish", complete with Shout-Out to Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man.Semi-justified as there are other species around the pet shop, a point brought up in "Hooray for Hamsterwood".Anti-Humor: Despite the show having punny character names such as "Clamantha" and "Jocktopus," any reference to the fish-world equivalent of a real-world locale simply has the word "Fish" attached to it rather than a fish-related pun, such as "Fish Broadway" or "Fish Austin, Texas.".and yet it seems like they have a whole town inside it. Animals Not to Scale: Keep in mind these guys live in a pet store aquarium.He thinks it's all a dream, but Milo and Bea find him and tell him he was just moved to another fish tank. And You Were There: Oscar hits his head and wakes up in a fantasy kingdom populated by fish that look like people he knows.Though since it is Steve Jackson, it could just be Even the Guys Want Him. In Halloween Haul, Bea and the other girls are drooling over Steve Jackson's Shirtless Werewolf costume when Steve does his Pec Flex, Milo approves.Wow, his lyrics in "Fish School Musical" pretty much prove he is gay: "When I get down, shake my booty around, all the potatoes in the town, rise up from the ground." Also, Coach Salmons seems obviously gay. He talks like a girl, for example "Girl, you crazy." and he is obsessed with his "booty". He is too excited to be a girl in "Fish Sleepover Party". Why? He seems to be very happy about his shorts in "We've Got Fish Spirit".


    He's really smart, can't understand, or act, in some social interactions, and in one episode, he can't seem to understand jokes, or visual gags, so Milo has to teach to fake how to laugh. Lovable Alpha Bitch: Shellsea, who is good friends with Milo, Bea, and Oscar.Clamanda, Clamantha's rival from We've Got Fish Spirit.Alpha Bitch: Pirahnica, Jocktopus's girlfriend.Actor Allusion: Milo thinks Kyle Massey is a magical dude.

    fish hooks characters

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Clamantha to Oscar, Randy to Bea.

  • Fish hooks characters